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HelloCollege's Seamless Transition from Salesforce to HubSpot and Revamped Events Strategy



Hello college desktop

An overview of how we helped:


Migration from Salesforce to HubSpot


+50% increase in lead engagement


Moved operations from Eventbrite to HubSpot


20% increase in revenue from events

Hello college assets


HelloCollege is a leading provider of personalized college prep and planning However, HelloCollege faced significant challenges hindering their effectiveness. These included low conversion rates from their contact database, inadequate event engagement, limited revenue from events and webinars, and a lack of robust reporting in Salesforce. Their reliance on fragmented tools and manual processes inhibited decision-making and optimization.

To overcome these hurdles and drive growth, HelloCollege partnered with Web Canopy Studio. Together, they aimed to enhance conversion rates, event engagement, revenue generation, and reporting capabilities. By streamlining processes and integrating tools, the collaboration empowered HelloCollege with actionable insights for better client service.

C H A L L E N G E  #1

Disjointed Salesforce Experience: Overcoming Poor Data and Ad-Hoc Setup.

In the initial stages of our collaboration with HelloCollege, it became evident that their utilization of Salesforce, while foundational, was plagued by disjointedness and inefficiencies. Despite being a powerful CRM platform, HelloCollege struggled with a fragmented user experience, characterized by poor data management practices and an ad-hoc setup that hindered their ability to leverage Salesforce's full potential.

The lack of a cohesive strategy for Salesforce implementation resulted in disparate data silos and inconsistencies, making it challenging to gain a comprehensive view of customer interactions and engagement. This disjointed experience not only compromised the accuracy and reliability of HelloCollege's data but also impeded their ability to derive meaningful insights and make informed decisions.

Salesforce messy data illustration

S O L U T I O N  #1

Streamlining Sales Process and Integration with HubSpot

To address HelloCollege's challenges effectively, our team at Web Canopy Studio implemented a comprehensive solution that encompassed the transition of their entire sales process, automation, sequences/tasks, email campaigns, and training. Our approach focused on promoting user adoption, empowering HelloCollege's immediate team, and ensuring a smooth integration between HubSpot and Salesforce.

Within the first weeks of the engagement, we initiated a two-way sync integration between HubSpot and Salesforce, providing extensive training to HelloCollege's team members to facilitate user adoption and maximize the benefits of the integration. Recognizing the potential of HubSpot as the main CRM to enhance reporting, attribution, and conversion rates, we recommended its adoption as the primary platform for tracking performance and marketing efforts.

Sales force data going to hubSpot illustration

C H A L L E N G E  #2

How to get more out of their events strategy.

HelloCollege faced multifaceted challenges in optimizing their event management and tracking processes, which significantly impacted their revenue generation and engagement strategies. Despite hosting a range of events and webinars aimed at guiding students and families through the college prep journey, HelloCollege struggled with low event show rates and contact engagement, leading to subpar revenue outcomes.

Complicating matters further was the disjointed nature of their tech stack, characterized by fragmented tools and manual processes that hindered their ability to attribute successes accurately. This lack of comprehensive reporting not only obscured the effectiveness of their marketing efforts but also underscored missed opportunities for conversion across their website and email outreach.

Course path confusion

S O L U T I O N  #2

New process and bringing Events into HubSpot.

To address HelloCollege's multifaceted challenges in event management and tracking, our team at Web Canopy Studio implemented a methodical transition that streamlined processes and consolidated disparate tools into a unified platform. The overarching goal was to enhance efficiency, improve engagement, and drive revenue growth while reducing overall costs.

Central to our solution was the consolidation of HelloCollege's tech stack into HubSpot, eliminating the need for separate platforms such as Salesforce, Eventbrite, and Scheduler. By transitioning to HubSpot as the primary platform for event management, marketing automation, and CRM, HelloCollege could streamline processes and gain comprehensive insights into their marketing and sales efforts.

HelloCollege website screenshots

T H E  R E S U L T S

HelloCollege saw significant gains in event efficiency, engagement, and revenue.

Following the implementation of our comprehensive solution, HelloCollege experienced remarkable improvements in event management efficiency, engagement metrics, and revenue generation. Leveraging HubSpot as the central platform for all events and campaigns, seamlessly integrated with Zoom, yielded tangible results that exceeded expectations.

Streamlined Event Management:

HelloCollege praised the ease of use and management achieved through the consolidation of all events and campaigns within HubSpot. With a unified platform, HelloCollege gained greater control and visibility over their events, resulting in improved efficiency and streamlined processes.

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Enhanced Engagement Metrics:

The integration of HubSpot with Zoom provided HelloCollege with additional engagement metrics, enabling deeper insights into attendee behavior and interaction during events. This enhanced visibility allowed HelloCollege to tailor their event strategies more effectively and drive higher levels of engagement.

Screenshot events workshops dashboard

Maximized Revenue Insights:

Through strategic utilization of HubSpot's reporting capabilities, HelloCollege achieved significant insights into revenue data, discerning its sources, pinpointing successful strategies, and identifying areas for improvement. This data-driven approach enabled informed marketing decisions, facilitating the planning of future marketing efforts with precision and effectiveness.

Closed revenue amount by content type

Dramatic Improvement in Event Show-Rate: 

HelloCollege saw an impressive up to threefold increase in event show-rate, reflecting the effectiveness of their enhanced engagement strategies and streamlined event management processes. This significant improvement underscored the success of the integration efforts and the impact of targeted campaigns on attendee participation.

HelloCollege workshops


Overall, the results achieved by HelloCollege highlighted the transformative impact of streamlining event management and enhancing engagement metrics through HubSpot integration. By leveraging data-driven insights and optimizing strategies, HelloCollege successfully increased revenue, improved event show-rates, and enhanced overall engagement with their target audience, positioning themselves for continued success in the competitive landscape of college prep and planning solutions.


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