Successful marketing, whether inherent or learned, is a skill. A skill that is of absolute importance to a business. A skill that some people have...and others don’t. We have heard some horrible ideas over the years, and so have to put together some of the the worst for you. When trying to find home construction clients, please, please avoid these ideas!
Related Post: Identifying Customer Needs: The Top 4 Customer Needs
"Social media is a passing fad"

Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Flickr and countless others are merely a fad!? You mean to tell me I have spent hours arranging my online profiles just right, building up an impressive friends list, and sharing statuses all for nothing? Why would I ever waste my time like that? Oh that’s right... because its a world wide network of millions of potential customers, all desperately searching their news feed for the next big thing. The question I was asked was why I would spend my already limited amounts of time on something so useless. MY question is why would I not spend my precious time on a platform that can cause my business to explode over night?
Wondering why your customers are not streaming in your doors by the dozens? That’s because they are online reading, and not about you. A solid and well-thought online presence is essential to stand out amongst the masses of competitors in today’s marketplace. Build up your social media front, and you have the potential to tap into a much wider and diverse market.
"Traditional advertising has worked for us this long - let’s stick with that"

Oh sure, no one can compete with your ability as an architect. And you’re smooth sales pitches? Forget about it, no one else even comes close. So why then, are the small guys with less to offer getting all the business, and you’re stuck twiddling your thumbs? The answer smacks you in the face every time you place an ad in the local newspaper, yellow pages, or pick up the phone for another attempt at cold-calling: traditional advertising is dead. Customers hate being interrupted, and that is exactly what you do every time you replace the content they want with your own advertising.
The solution? Give them what they want. Through informative blog posts and other compelling web marketing, you can ensure home construction clients want to come to you. Create content that has value specifically for them, and they will seek you out, and be ever more grateful when you just so happen to offer a service they are interested in. This,my friends, will be one of the most powerful tools you have at your disposal.
"Our reputation speaks for itself?"

With all of the talk about town of your talent and ability, new clients must just beg you to work on their projects, right? Wrong. They are busy elsewhere, signing the check for your competitors. This is because your competitors engage in a well-made inbound marketing campaign and don’t consider themselves to good to do so. Is taking the time to create such a marketing scheme beneath you? Is getting more home construction leads, and therefore more work, beneath you? The correct answer to that is no, and if you align these thoughts with your business strategy you will find all of the success in the world.
Moving Forward
Obviously these are a bit farcical, but not really. If you want to do a better job of attracting home construction clients, make sure you are keeping your marketing ideas fresh & looking ahead to new and creative ways to market yourself and find new leads.