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Marketing Hub Vs Marketing+: Which To Choose?

Graphic showcasing HubSpot marketing automation
Written By

Liz Mac Intyre

Published On

July 31, 2024


The Way People Buy Has Now Changed

Ten years ago, you could have a team of SDR's pounding the phones or "spamming" people with cold emails, and see some decent success.

But, like all things, time moves on.

Where people answering a cold call or opening a cold email may have once been excited at the thought of growing their business, they now become annoyed.

That's because the way people buy in the B2B world has changed enormously.

Content is now king (or queen!).

Of course, in this AI-age we're living in, you can't just put out any ol' content and hope it sticks. (Thank goodness!)

Instead, you have to put out great content which is:

a) Filled with your brand's "personality"

b) Written with your ideal buyer in mind

Because here's the thing:

Buyers will often read your content for months before even contacting you.

This means content marketing is now not just a "nice thing to have", but crucial for businesses looking to engage with their audience and drive growth.

HubSpot offers two powerful solutions to support your marketing efforts: Marketing Hub and the newly enhanced Marketing+.

While both provide awesome tools to create, manage, and optimize your marketing campaigns, Marketing+ takes it a step further with AI-powered features integrated into Content Hub.

And, don't worry. These AI-features won't take away from your "brand voice" or anything like that.

Quite the opposite...

They'll help you nail your brand voice - in each and every piece of content you publish.

So, let's delve into the key differences and benefits of each to help you decide which is right for your business.


Overview of Marketing Hub

Marketing Hub is a comprehensive platform designed to help businesses build high-performing, targeted campaigns.

It offers a range of tools to streamline marketing operations and unify team efforts across multiple channels.

Key features include:

  • Campaign Management: Efficiently organize and execute omnichannel campaigns from a single application.

  • Lead Generation: Use various tools to capture and nurture leads.

  • Analytics and Reporting: Gain insights into campaign performance and make data-driven decisions.

Introducing Marketing+

Marketing+ includes everything you love about Marketing Hub, plus new AI-powered content marketing features from Content Hub.

It’s designed for businesses looking to improve their content strategy even furtuer, and streamline creation processes.

Key enhancements include:

  • AI-Powered Content Creation: Effortlessly create and repurpose content with AI tools, including blogs, landing pages, webpages, podcasts, and videos.

  • Content Distribution and Optimization: Distribute and optimize your messaging across multiple channels from a single platform.

  • Enhanced Content Management: Manage all content types in one place, reducing the complexity of juggling multiple tools.

Streamlined Content Creation

Marketing+ truly stands out with its advanced content creation capabilities.

It's the peanut to a marketer's jelly. 

One of the standout features is Content Remix, which allows you to generate multiple content formats from a single source.

Imagine starting with a blog post and effortlessly transforming it into social media updates, email newsletters, and even video scripts.

This means you get to squeeze as much juice as possible out of each piece of content your create.

It ensures that no piece goes underutilized and that your message reaches your audience through various channels.

Then there's AI Translations.

It's safe to say this is game-changing tool for marketer's looking to generate leads from more than one country.

It allows you to translate your pages and blogs into multiple languages with just a few clicks.

This feature broadens your reach significantly, allowing you to engage with a global audience without the need for extensive translation resources.

Whether you're a multinational corporation or a growing business looking to expand into new markets, AI Translations ensure that language barriers don't stand in the way of your marketing efforts.

Next, there's the Brand Voice feature.

This is designed to maintain consistency in your communication.

It automatically adapts and applies your brand’s unique style and tone to all content types, from blogs and emails to SMS and social media posts.

This ensures that your audience experiences a cohesive brand identity across all touchpoints.

For instance, if your brand voice is friendly and approachable, this feature ensures that every piece of content reflects that personality, reinforcing your brand's identity and building stronger connections with your audience.

Additionally, the Custom AI Blog Post Generator is a time-saving tool that can significantly boost your content production.

By generating ideas, outlines, images, and keywords directly within the Pro+ version of the blog generator, it streamlines the often time-consuming process of content creation.

This is particularly beneficial for small marketing teams or solo marketers who need to produce a high volume of content without sacrificing quality.

You can focus on refining and perfecting your message while the AI handles the heavy lifting.

And you know how all the best B2B companies seem to have a podcast these days?

Well, Podcast Creation in Marketing+ adds another dimension to your content strategy.

With the ability to create high-quality podcast episodes using AI-generated audio from text, or by uploading your own audio files, you can tap into the growing popularity of podcasts to reach your audience in a more personal and engaging way.

This feature is perfect for thought leadership, sharing industry insights, or providing in-depth discussions on topics relevant to your audience.

In summary, Marketing+ equips you with a suite of advanced tools that not only streamline content creation but also enhance the effectiveness of your marketing strategy.

From generating diverse content formats and breaking language barriers to maintaining a consistent brand voice and tapping into the power of podcasts, Marketing+ ensures that your marketing efforts are both efficient and impactful.

Whether you're looking to optimize existing processes or explore new content avenues, Marketing+ provides the capabilities you need to elevate your marketing game.


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Marketing+ is designed for businesses that need advanced content creation and management tools to stay ahead in a competitive market.

By integrating AI-powered features, it helps marketers save time and focus their expertise where it’s needed most.

Whether you’re looking to improve your existing campaigns with Marketing Hub or leverage cutting-edge AI tools with Marketing+, HubSpot offers the solutions you need to fuel your entire customer journey.

If you'd like help implementing any of this to help you generate red-hot inbound leads, then chat to our team of experts today.