Web Canopy Studio Blog

Insider Secrets: What to Ask Your Agency to Unlock Hidden Features of HubSpot

Written by John Aikin | May 30, 2024 9:46:29 AM

Discover the insider secrets to maximizing the potential of HubSpot by asking the right questions to your agency.

Insider's guide to getting the most out of HubSpot

If you’re already using HubSpot for your marketing and sales needs, you probably know it's a fantastic tool with a lot of capabilities.

But what if I told you that there’s a treasure trove of hidden features of HubSpot that many users overlook?

These features can take your HubSpot experience from good to great, helping you streamline your processes, gain deeper insights, and ultimately drive more success for your business.

In this blog post, we’re going to uncover these hidden features and show you exactly how to unlock them.

We'll walk you through what questions to ask your agency or HubSpot experts within your team, how to make the most of HubSpot's integrations, and explore some advanced automation strategies that can save you loads of time and effort.

Plus, we’ll dive into optimizing your reporting and analytics so you can make data-driven decisions with confidence.

But first...

let's take a step back and think about why it’s so important to dig deeper into HubSpot’s capabilities

You see, the better you understand the tools at your disposal, the more effectively you can use them to achieve your goals.

It's like having a Swiss Army knife – sure, you can use the basic blade for most tasks, but knowing how to use all the other gadgets can make a world of difference.

The hidden features of HubSpot are those extra tools that can give your business an edge.

So, buckle up and get ready to unlock the full potential of HubSpot.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be equipped with all the knowledge you need to ask the right questions and make informed decisions, ensuring you get the most out of this powerful platform.



Using HubSpot to manage your operations, marketing, and sales is like having a well-oiled machine that drives growth and efficiency.

But did you know that beneath its already impressive surface, HubSpot hides even more powerful features that many users never tap into?

These hidden features of HubSpot can transform how you work, making your processes smoother and your insights sharper.

First up, let’s talk about custom properties and fields.

Imagine you’re a tailor, and HubSpot is your workshop.

Just like you need different tools for different fabrics, you need specific data points to understand your customers better.

HubSpot allows you to create custom properties that fit your business like a glove.

These properties help you gather and analyze the exact data that matters to you.

Whether it’s tracking customer preferences, purchase history, or any other unique metric, custom properties let you mold HubSpot to your needs.

This way, you can keep an eye on what’s important without getting bogged down by irrelevant information.

For example, if you run an online bookstore, you might want to track which genres your customers prefer.

By creating a custom property for “Favorite Genre,” you can segment your audience and tailor your marketing efforts to different groups.

Over time, you’ll gain valuable insights into which books are popular with which demographics, helping you stock the right inventory and send targeted promotions.

At Web Canopy Studio, we primarily deal with B2B companies.

But the online bookstore scenario provides an easy example that you can apply to your own business.

Now, let’s move on to...

Automated workflows

Think of workflows as your personal assistant that never sleeps.

They handle the repetitive tasks that eat up your time, freeing you to focus on the bigger picture.

For instance, instead of manually sending follow-up emails to every new lead, you can set up a workflow to do it automatically.

This ensures that every lead gets timely attention, improving your chances of conversion.

Setting up workflows in HubSpot is like setting up a series of dominoes – once you get it right, everything falls into place seamlessly.

You can create workflows for various scenarios, such as welcoming new subscribers, nurturing leads with educational content, or even re-engaging past customers.

Each step in the workflow can be tailored to trigger based on specific actions, ensuring that your communication is always relevant and timely.

Understanding these features can give you a significant advantage.

It’s like upgrading from a basic toolkit to a professional-grade set of tools.

You’ll work faster, smarter, and with more precision.

But how do you get started with these hidden gems?

The key is to ask your agency (or your "HubSpot experts" within your team) the right questions.

Ask about the top hidden features of HubSpot that can benefit your business.

Inquire about how to create and utilize custom properties and fields.

Dive into best practices for setting up automated workflows.

By engaging in these conversations, you’ll uncover new ways to harness HubSpot’s full potential.

Essentially, HubSpot’s hidden features are like secret ingredients in a recipe – once you discover and use them, you’ll wonder how you ever managed without them.

Custom properties and automated workflows are just the beginning.

By digging deeper and asking the right questions, you can unlock a whole new level of efficiency and insight.



Unlocking the full potential of HubSpot is much like solving a puzzle.

You need to know the right pieces to look for and where they fit.

In this case, those pieces are the right questions to ask your agency or team.

Asking the right questions helps you uncover hidden features of HubSpot that can significantly enhance your marketing and sales efforts.

Let’s dive into the key questions you should be asking.

1. What are the top hidden features of HubSpot that we should be leveraging?

This question is your starting point.

HubSpot is packed with features, but some of the most powerful ones are not immediately obvious.

If you're working with an agency, they likely have experience with other clients and can share insights into features that have been game-changers for other businesses.

(If you're looking for an agency to work with, let's see if we're a good fit HERE.)

By asking about the top hidden features, you can discover tools and functionalities that you might not have considered before.

For example, there could be lesser-known reporting tools or specific email automation settings that could transform your campaigns.

2. How can we create custom properties and fields in HubSpot to track the metrics that matter most to our business?

Understanding your data is crucial.

Custom properties and fields allow you to collect and analyze data that is specific to your business needs.

Ask your agency or HubSpot expert how to set these up in a way that aligns with your goals.

They can guide you on what properties to create, how to integrate them into your existing workflows, and how to ensure that the data collected is actionable.

This can help you track unique metrics, such as customer satisfaction scores or product usage statistics, which are vital for making informed decisions.

3. What are some best practices for setting up automated workflows in HubSpot?

Automated workflows can save you a lot of time and ensure consistency in your communication.

But setting them up can be tricky.

By asking for best practices, you can avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your workflows are effective.

An agency can share insights on timing, frequency, and content for automated emails, as well as how to segment your audience for maximum impact.

They might also have tips on testing and refining your workflows to continually improve performance.

4. Are there any integrations or plugins that can enhance the functionality of HubSpot?


HubSpot is powerful on its own, but it can become even more effective when integrated with other tools you use.

Ask your agency about integrations that can enhance your current setup.

For instance, integrating HubSpot with your CRM can streamline data flow, or connecting it with your social media management tools can provide deeper insights into your campaigns.

Plugins can also add specific functionalities, like advanced reporting capabilities or enhanced email tracking.

We'll go into more depth on this topic in just a moment.

5. How can we optimize our reporting and analytics in HubSpot to gain valuable insights into our marketing and sales performance?

Data is only useful if you can interpret it.

HubSpot offers robust reporting and analytics tools, but optimizing them can be challenging.

An agency can help you set up custom dashboards that highlight the metrics most important to your business.

They can also teach you how to use data visualization tools to spot trends and identify areas for improvement.

Regularly reviewing these reports can help you make data-driven decisions and fine-tune your strategies.

By asking these questions, you can unlock a deeper understanding of HubSpot’s capabilities.

Your agency can provide you with tailored advice and strategies that align with your business goals.

This approach ensures that you’re not just using HubSpot but mastering it, leveraging every feature to its fullest potential.

So, take these questions to your next meeting and start uncovering the hidden HubSpot features that can drive your business forward.



Let's talk in more depth about integrations because it's something we get asked about all the time.

Quite simply, one of the biggest advantages of HubSpot is how well it plays with others.

Imagine HubSpot as a friendly neighbor who’s always ready to lend a helping hand.

By integrating HubSpot with other tools and platforms you use, you can expand its functionality and make your work life a lot easier.

Think about all the different software tools you use daily

Maybe you have a CRM system where you keep track of customer interactions, an email marketing tool for your campaigns, and a social media platform to manage your posts and engagements.

Now, imagine if all these tools could talk to each other seamlessly through HubSpot.

That right there is the power of integrations.

CRM Integration:

If you integrate HubSpot with your CRM, you can ensure that your sales and marketing teams are always on the same page.

All customer data can flow seamlessly between the two systems.

For example, when a new lead fills out a form on your website, this information can automatically be sent to your CRM.

Your sales team can then follow up without missing a beat.

This synchronization helps in keeping your data accurate and up-to-date, reducing manual data entry, and ensuring that your teams have access to the same information.

Email Marketing Integration:

Integrating HubSpot with your email marketing software is another game-changer.

You can set up automated email campaigns that trigger based on specific actions your contacts take.

For instance, if someone downloads a white paper from your site, they can automatically receive a follow-up email with more related content.

You can track open rates, click-through rates, and overall engagement right within HubSpot.

This not only saves you time but also makes your email marketing efforts more targeted and effective.

Social Media Integration:

Managing social media can be time-consuming, but with the right integrations, HubSpot can help streamline this process.

By connecting your social media accounts to HubSpot, you can schedule posts, track engagement, and analyze performance all in one place.

You’ll get a comprehensive view of how your social media efforts are contributing to your overall marketing strategy.

Choosing the Right Integrations:

The key to making the most of HubSpot integrations is to think about your specific needs.

What are the pain points in your current workflow?

Are there repetitive tasks that could be automated?

Do you need better visibility into certain metrics?

Once you’ve identified these areas, you can explore the available integrations that HubSpot offers.

For example, if you find that your team spends too much time entering data manually, a CRM integration might be just what you need.

If your email marketing efforts are disjointed from the rest of your strategy, look into connecting your email tool to HubSpot.

Each integration can unlock new capabilities and streamline your processes.

Getting Started:

To begin, list out all the tools you currently use and see which ones offer integrations with HubSpot.

Then, prioritize these based on your most pressing needs.

Work with your agency or in-house team to set up these integrations and ensure they’re configured correctly.

Once everything is connected, monitor the performance to ensure you’re getting the most out of each integration.

Ultimately, it’s all about making your tools work together to support your goals, saving you time and helping you make smarter decisions. 



Again, we touched upon automation earlier.

But it's such an incredible HubSpot feature that it deserves a section of its own.

See, automation is like having an extra pair of hands that never gets tired.

When it comes to marketing and sales, automation can take a lot of repetitive tasks off your plate, giving you more time to focus on strategy and creativity.

HubSpot offers some pretty advanced automation features that can help you do just that.

Lead Nurturing:

One powerful strategy is lead nurturing.

Think of lead nurturing as the process of building a relationship with your potential customers.

In the past, you might have had to manually send follow-up emails or remember to check in with a lead after a certain period.

With HubSpot, you can automate this entire process.

Imagine a new lead downloads an ebook from your website.

Instead of just adding them to your mailing list and hoping they stick around, you can set up a workflow that sends them a series of emails over the next few weeks.

These emails could offer more valuable content, answer common questions, and even provide case studies showing how your product or service has helped others.

By the time the workflow ends, your lead is much more informed and engaged, and much closer to making a purchase.

Lead Scoring:

Another advanced strategy is lead scoring.

Not all leads are created equal, and lead scoring helps you figure out which ones are worth focusing your energy on.

HubSpot allows you to assign scores to leads based on their interactions with your content.

For example, if someone visits your pricing page, that’s a good sign they’re interested, and you might assign them a higher score.

On the other hand, if they just visit your blog occasionally, they might get a lower score.

With lead scoring, your sales team can prioritize their efforts on the leads that are most likely to convert.

This means less time wasted on low-quality leads and more time spent closing deals.

Segmentation and Targeting:

The key to successful automation is understanding your audience.

HubSpot makes it easy to segment your contacts based on various criteria, such as behavior, demographics, or engagement level.

By creating segments, you can tailor your messages to different groups, ensuring that each contact receives content that’s relevant to them.

For instance, if you have a segment of contacts who have attended a webinar but haven’t made a purchase, you could create a workflow that sends them follow-up emails with additional resources or offers.

This targeted approach makes your communications more effective and helps build stronger relationships with your audience.

Implementing Advanced Automation:

Getting started with advanced automation in HubSpot might seem daunting, but it’s all about breaking it down into manageable steps.

Start by mapping out your customer journey and identifying key touchpoints where automation can make a difference.

What actions do you want your leads to take, and how can you guide them through the process?

Once you have a plan, use HubSpot’s workflow tool to set up your automations.

Test them thoroughly to ensure everything works as expected, and don’t forget to monitor their performance.

Look at open rates, click-through rates, and conversion rates to see how well your workflows are performing and make adjustments as needed.

By exploring and implementing these advanced automation strategies, you can make your marketing and sales processes more efficient and effective.

You’ll be able to nurture leads more effectively, focus your sales efforts on the best opportunities, and deliver the right message to the right people at the right time.

Automation doesn’t just save you time – it also helps you work smarter, not harder, and that’s a win for everyone.


Optimizing Reporting and Analytics

Reporting and analytics are essential for measuring the success of your marketing and sales efforts.

With HubSpot, you have access to powerful reporting and analytics tools that can provide valuable insights into your performance.

To optimize your reporting and analytics in HubSpot, it is important to define your key metrics and goals.

What are the metrics that matter most to your business?

What are your goals and objectives?

By defining these metrics and goals, you can track and analyze the data that is most important to your business.

HubSpot offers a wide range of reporting and analytics features, including customizable dashboards, data visualization tools, and advanced reporting capabilities.

By leveraging these features, you can gain a deeper understanding of your marketing and sales performance, identify areas for improvement, and make data-driven decisions.

When optimizing your reporting and analytics in HubSpot, it is also important to regularly review and analyze your data.

By monitoring your performance and identifying trends and patterns, you can make adjustments to your marketing and sales strategies to achieve better results.

By optimizing your reporting and analytics in HubSpot, you can gain valuable insights into your marketing and sales performance, identify opportunities for growth, and drive success for your business.

summing up

Maximizing HubSpot’s potential is about more than just using its basic features.

It’s about uncovering the hidden tools and functionalities that can elevate your marketing and sales efforts.

By asking the right questions, leveraging integrations, implementing advanced automation, and optimizing your reporting, you can unlock a new level of efficiency and insight.

This approach not only saves you time but also helps you achieve better results, driving your business forward in ways you never imagined.

So, start exploring these hidden features today and make the most of everything HubSpot has to offer.

If you're interested in partnering with a HubSpot agency, then chat with us here to see if and how we can help you.