Web Canopy Studio Blog

Your Guide to HubSpot Custom Integrations

Written by Blake Schewe | Sep 7, 2023 1:30:00 PM

Integration refers to the process of connecting different software systems or applications to work together seamlessly, enabling data exchange and feature sharing. It allows for the smooth transfer of information and actions between various platforms, enhancing overall efficiency and productivity.


The HubSpot CRM is one that already has a multitude of benefits. But when your API, or application programming interface, becomes integrated into the HubSpot platform, even more incredible features and conveniences can become unlocked.


HubSpot CRM serves as a central hub for managing customer interactions, marketing campaigns, sales pipelines, and more. By integrating your API with HubSpot, you can synchronize data, automate tasks, and streamline workflows. These pre-existing integrations can be accessed to effectively meet your business goals.


Integration Services in the HubSpot Marketplace


When you're looking to integrate HubSpot, the first place to look is generally the HubSpot App Marketplace. HubSpot provides a thriving marketplace where you can discover and access a wide range of integration software to enhance your HubSpot experience. The HubSpot Marketplace offers a collection of pre-built integrations, allowing you to connect HubSpot with other popular tools and services easily.


Native integration, in the context of HubSpot, refers to integrations that are developed and maintained by HubSpot itself. These integrations are built directly into the HubSpot platform, offering seamless functionality and a unified user experience. Native integrations are typically more robust and reliable due to their pre-existence.


Here are some examples of standard native integrations that already exist within the HubSpot CMS, including their functions:




HubSpot's native integration with Salesforce, a leading CRM platform, allows for bi-directional synchronization of data between the two systems. You can access and update Salesforce data directly within HubSpot, ensuring consistency and improving collaboration between marketing and sales teams.




With the HubSpot-Slack integration, you can bring your team conversations and customer notifications together. This enables you to receive real-time notifications about lead activities, deal updates, and more, directly in your Slack channels.




The integration between HubSpot and Shopify, a popular e-commerce platform, allows you to sync customer and order data. This provides a unified view of your customers, enabling personalized marketing and targeted communication based on their purchase behavior.




The HubSpot-Mailchimp integration enables seamless synchronization of contacts, lists, and email marketing data. It allows you to leverage the power of both platforms, combining HubSpot's CRM capabilities with Mailchimp's robust email marketing tools.




HubSpot's integration with WordPress, a widely used content management system (CMS), simplifies the process of capturing leads and tracking their activities on your WordPress website. It enables you to create forms, capture leads, and manage them within HubSpot, while also providing insights into website performance.


Intermediary Integration Services For Your HubSpot API


While the Marketplace within HubSpot offers a wide range of integration options, it may not include every integration you may require. However, there are intermediary services available that can bridge the gap and connect HubSpot with other tools or platforms that don't have native integrations in the marketplace.


One popular intermediary service for integrating HubSpot with various applications is Zapier. Zapier acts as a middleman, enabling you to automate workflows and connect HubSpot with thousands of other apps, even if they don't have direct native integrations. Zapier allows you to create "Zaps," which are automated workflows triggered by specific events in one application and resulting in actions in another.


Another notable intermediary service is PieSync (now known as SyncApps by Cazoomi). PieSync specializes in two-way contact synchronization between different applications, including HubSpot. It allows you to keep contact information consistent and up-to-date across multiple platforms, ensuring that changes made in one system are reflected in others.


Intermediary services like Zapier and PieSync act as connectors, expanding HubSpot's capabilities. They facilitate data exchange between HubSpot and other applications, enabling flexible workflows and enhanced efficiency.


The Purpose Of HubSpot Custom Integrations Explained


Custom integration refers to the development of a tailored connection between HubSpot and a specific application or system to meet unique business requirements. It involves creating a bespoke solution that enables the exchange of a data set between HubSpot and the target system.


Custom integrations may be needed in situations such as those outlined below.


No Native Integration: If there is no pre-built native integration available for your specific application or system in the marketplace, a custom integration becomes necessary to establish a connection.


Unique Workflows: If your business has specific workflows or processes that must be addressed to achieve optimal efficiency and automation, a custom integration can be developed to align HubSpot with those requirements.


Benefits That Hubspot Custom Integration Brings


Integration services and systems have indispensable functions that will make several of your day-to-day project management and company tasks far simpler. Here are just a few:


  1. Data Transfer: Facilitate the transfer of various types of data, such as contact information, company details, and deals, to and from the API endpoints of HubSpot. This ensures that data remains consistent and up-to-date across systems.
  2. Data Validation and Conversion: Validate and convert the data to the appropriate format required by HubSpot. This includes handling date formats, performing calculations if necessary, and ensuring data integrity during the transfer process.
  3. Retry Mechanism: In case of failures due to internet connection issues or temporary system unavailability, these systems incorporate a retry mechanism. They automatically attempt to push or pull the data again, ensuring that no data is lost or left unprocessed.
  4. Logging and Monitoring: Log all transaction activities, providing a detailed record of data transfers, successes, and failures. This logging process helps in monitoring the process and facilitates the identification and resolution of any data issues that may arise.
  5. Reporting: Offer reporting capabilities that keep users informed about the activities and status of the integration. Reports provide insights into data transfers, errors, and other relevant metrics, enabling users to track performance and effectiveness.


Beginning To Build Custom Integrations


The process of implementing these custom integrations into your HubSpot account is actually a lot less complex than it seems. Firstly, you need to understand the specific goals and needs for your HubSpot integration project plan. Things like how much data is synced, what features you want to be integrated, and any specific rules or workflows. Then, engage a developer or a development team experienced in integrating with HubSpot. They will create the necessary code and logic to establish the connection and enable data synchronization.


Thoroughly test the custom integration to ensure data accuracy and security. This step helps identify and address any potential issues or bugs. Once that testing is successful, deploy it in your production environment. Monitor its performance and address any problems that may arise. As systems evolve and business needs change, periodic maintenance and updates may be required to ensure the custom integration remains functional and aligned with your evolving requirements.


Potential Integration Issues to Look Out For


The process of integration, particularly when done without assistance, can be complex and challenging. It involves dealing with various technical aspects that include potential issues like the quality of the data being transferred, possible data collision, and some privacy concerns. Here are a few tips to try and mitigate these issues:


  • Plan and Document: Create a comprehensive integration plan, documenting the desired data flows, mapping, and transformation rules. This provides a clear roadmap and reference for the process.
  • Test and Validate: Thoroughly test the integration before deploying it in a production environment. Validate data accuracy, perform extensive testing of various scenarios, and consider involving end-users to gather feedback and identify issues early on.
  • Monitor and Maintain: Establish monitoring mechanisms to track the integration's performance and detect anomalies or errors promptly. Regularly maintain and update the integration as systems evolve or requirements change.
  • Seek Expert Assistance: If you lack experience or expertise in integration, consider engaging experienced developers or integration specialists. Their knowledge and guidance can help navigate complexities and mitigate potential issues.


Tough Problems Require Custom Solutions


Sometimes, custom integration is unavoidable. Businesses can be incredibly complex, and the custom HubSpot integration cost is nothing compared to its many fruitful benefits. However, be sure to thoroughly check through the marketplace and available intermediary services before you proceed through the custom HubSpot integration process.


If you still have questions or need further consultation, don't hesitate to contact Web Canopy Studio today to discuss the potential of our development team helping you to create the ideal custom integrations for your business.