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How to Choose the Best HubSpot Theme in 2023

How to choose the best hubspot theme in 2023
Written By

Liz Mac Intyre

Published On

August 16, 2023


Your HubSpot CMS website's design is integral to the traffic and sales it generates. While the importance of effective website design cannot be overstated, a framework that focuses on driving conversions and growth is just as important.


So how can companies easily create great looking and high performing websites on HubSpot?


By using a HubSpot theme. HubSpot CMS themes are a collection of HubSpot's design templates and elements that can be used to develop a website design that helps your business grow.


In this article, we will guide you through HubSpot themes, discussing what to look for and whether or not it’s worth paying for a HubSpot theme for your business.


What is a HubSpot Theme?


HubSpot themes are a set of stylistic elements and page layouts that can be used to build websites that make your business stand out.


Working with a HubSpot theme helps web developers customize their CMS site without spending too much time picking out the right fonts, colors, or backgrounds. HubSpot's CMS themes offer a range of useful features, from homepage layouts to fonts, colors, and page templates aimed to help you at every stage of your website-building process.


The HubSpot CMS features a wide variety of themes, from default to custom themes that you can modify according to your brand image; they have everything you need to create a HubSpot website that is guaranteed to attract customers.


What are the Advantages of Using a HubSpot Theme?


Now that we know what HubSpot themes are, let's take a closer look at the role your HubSpot theme can play in helping your business grow.


  • They are highly customizable and flexible: A HubSpot CMS theme features unique web design templates that allow users to utilize HubSpot's extensive set of design tools without having any prior coding or web designing skills. Since a design manager has already developed the themes, you only need to pick one that fits your company's image and add your content. Since HubSpot themes are easily customizable, you can add your personal touch to your website to ensure it matches your brand image.
  • Using a HubSpot theme is cost-effective and time-effective: Designing a website from scratch requires time, skill, and money; in fact, you may even need to hire a design manager to help you out. A HubSpot theme solves this issue since all the web design and development work has already been done. This means you can pick out a theme and add your website's content directly instead of spending hours building a website.
  • A wide variety offered: HubSpot CMS provides various themes for all sorts of websites and businesses. From finance to law, entertainment, and marketing, you will find a HubSpot theme that fits your company.


Choosing a Theme


You need a theme that’s easy to use with customizability and good support. The exact modules included are no longer the key deciding factor because you can always download additional modules front the marketplace later and add them to your theme. 


Because of this increased flexibility, it’s almost always better to go with a free theme. There are so many great ones to choose from, it’s not really worth paying for one if you don’t have to. If you don’t know which one to choose, here are some of our free themes to pick from. 


StudioCanvas - The Most Versatile HubSpot Theme

Studio Canva Hero Screenshot

Web Canopy Studio's StudioCanvas is one of the most versatile HubSpot themes in the market. Web Canopy Studio is a HubSpot Diamond partner specializing in website development and inbound marketing.


As one of the leading providers of free HubSpot CMS tools worldwide, you can be sure that StudioCanvas is just what you need to up your web development game and kickstart your brand on CMS Hub.


StudioCanvas is an all-in-one HubSpot tool that aims to help you create a successful website that increases conversions and expands your business.


Key features:

  • StudioCanvas offers five templates that include 'Blog Listing,' 'Blog Post,' 'Home,' 'Interior,' and 'Landing Page.'
  • It offers up to 15 system templates, making it one of the most versatile tools when it comes to picking a HubSpot CMS theme.
  • Offers 19 easily customizable modules to enhance your brand image and improve conversion rates.
  • Includes a fully responsive customer support team that responds within a business day.
  • Features icon modules with an intuitive drag-and-drop interface that makes it easy to navigate.



One of the best things about StudioCanvas is that it provides some of the best HubSpot website templates for free!


Funnel Studio - E-Commerce and Retail HubSpot Theme

Funnel Studio different Screenshot

Funnel Studio is Web Canopy Studio's E-Commerce and retail HubSpot CMS theme that helps you create pages that focus on increasing your web traffic and conversion rates.


Funnel Studio's default HubSpot theme has the features you need to build an aesthetically pleasing website and a framework that drives conversions and sales.


With highly flexible HubSpot themes that work for service-based and product-based businesses, Funnel Studio offers one of the best HubSpot themes for E-Commerce companies.


Key Features:

  • Customizable templates that feature a pricing table, product listings, landing pages, demo pages, and more.
  • Over 45 unique drag-and-drop modules.
  • An adaptable and easy-to-use theme that does not require users to have coding knowledge.
  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • An 'Icons Section' to display features of your products.
  • A searchable product listing.



Funnel Studio offers free HubSpot themes with all the updates also accessible for free.


Entertainment Studio- Entertainment HubSpot Theme

Entertainment Studio  get started Screenshot

Web Canopy Studio's Entertainment Studio is the perfect HubSpot CMS theme for companies in the entertainment industry that deals with hosting, organizing, or selling festivals, performances, concerts, or live events. Entertainment Studio's HubSpot theme is designed to help you create a visually pleasing website that attracts visitors and enables you to convert leads and increase your sales.


Entertainment Studio's responsive CMS Hub design can be customized according to your company's needs. With over 30 drag-and-drop modules and flexible design settings, Entertainment Studio has all the tools you need at your disposal to create an effective website that ensures your business's growth.


Key Features:

  • A modern but easy-to-use interface that requires no coding knowledge.
  • Cross-browser compatibility.
  • Customizable modules.
  • Effective SEO-optimized practices.
  • Drag-and-drop functions.
  • Available on mobile devices.
  • Highly customizable and responsive



Entertainment Studio is free, like all Web Canopy Studio's HubSpot products.


The Case For Paid Themes


The only time you should consider a paid theme is if there are additional resources included beyond the theme such as custom development hours, training courses, or consulting hours. Unless you’re getting access to the experts or their resources that will help you better utilize their theme to create your website, paying for a theme is probably not worth it.


Maximizing Free Themes With Modules


Like I said, if your free theme is missing a specific module you need for your website chances are there is a module in the marketplace to fill the gap. Rather than transferring your entire site to a new theme for a missing feature, or paying for custom developed modules, check the Template Marketplace first to see if there’s a module that fits your needs.


Here are some of our favorites:



Accordian Module Hero Screenshot

Whether you’re looking to tell your company history, a product development story, or promote an upcoming event this timeline module with scrolling animation is the perfect addition to your website. It includes:


  • Flexible layout: You can choose from various timeline layouts, such as horizontal, vertical, or diagonal, to fit your content and design preferences.
  • Customizable styling: You can customize every aspect of your timeline's appearance, from the font size to the color scheme, to match your brand identity and make it stand out.
  • Responsive design: Your timeline will look great on any device, from desktops to smartphones, thanks to its responsive and adaptive design.
  • Easy to use: Our module is user-friendly and intuitive, so you don't need any coding skills or technical expertise to create a beautiful timeline.


Check out this timeline module from Web Canopy Studio here.


Fancy Flip Card

Flip card Hero Screenshot

This interactive module is great for showcasing visual content. It gives you the ability to create a two-sided "card" that does a 3D animation when hovered or clicked to show the other side of the card.


If you’re looking to create a more engaging and interactive design for your website, check out this module from Helpful Hero here.



Subscribe module screenshot

This module makes it easy for your visitors to subscribe to your content or offers. You can choose from various layout options, such as a simple form, a pop-up modal, or a full-width form to grab your visitors' attention and encourage them to subscribe.


You can also:

  • Use this as a CTA section on your site, or as a subscribe module to encourage users to subscribe to your blog.
  • Custom fields: You can add custom fields to your subscribe form, such as name, company, or job title, to collect more information about your subscribers and personalize your messages.


Download this module from Web Canopy Studio here.



Countdown Hero Screenshot

Looking for an engaging way to promote an upcoming event or create urgency at checkout? Try this countdown module and put a ticking clock on your website visitors.


With this module you can set an exact date or time to countdown and use it on landing pages before your website is ready or when you want to attract your visitors for a call-to-action.


You can download this module from Stuff & Matters here.



Accordian Hero Screenshot

Looking for the ultimate tool to create dynamic and informative content that will help you achieve your marketing goals and delight your audience? Check out this accordion module that features:


  • Responsive design: Your accordions will look great on any device, from desktops to smartphones.
  • SEO-friendly: Our module generates semantic HTML code that helps search engines understand your content better and rank it higher in search results.
  • User-friendly: Your visitors can easily navigate your accordions with keyboard shortcuts, screen readers, and other assistive technologies.
  • Customizable: You can tweak every aspect of your accordions' appearance, from the font size to the color scheme, to match your brand identity.
  • Multilingual: Our module supports multiple languages, so you can reach a global audience without any hassle.


Download this module from Web Canopy Studio here.



Choosing the suitable HubSpot theme that matches your company and fits your brand image can be what you need to see your business grow.


Picking out a suitable HubSpot theme can be difficult, especially with the wide range of options available. Choosing the best theme that will suit your website depends on your business goals, the brand image you want to portray, and the amount of money you are willing to invest in a HubSpot theme.


HubSpot partner firms like Web Canopy Studio offer some of the best themes free of cost, so it's always a good idea to explore your options thoroughly before deciding. Use modules to fill any gaps left from the theme you chose.


That being said, you should now have all the information you need to pick out a HubSpot theme that can help your business achieve market success.