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CMS Hub VS Content Hub: The Showdown

Graphic comparing HubSpot CMS to Content Hub
Written By

Liz Mac Intyre

Published On

July 29, 2024


What’s the Difference? CMS Hub vs. Content Hub

If you're familiar with CMS Hub, you'll know it's a great tool for building high-performing, CRM-powered web experiences.

It gives your team easy access to and visibility across your website, making it a fantastic solution for managing your site’s content and performance.

But what if you need to do more?

Enter Content Hub—everything you know and love about CMS Hub, plus a whole lot more.


Streamlined Content Creation

Content Hub keeps all the great features you had in CMS Hub...

But, crucially, adds a suite of new capabilities that take content creation and management to the next level.

Imagine being able to create and manage all of your content—blogs, landing pages, webpages, podcasts, videos, and more—in one place.

This unified approach means you can effortlessly create and repurpose your content with AI-powered tools, saving you valuable time and effort.

For instance, consider a marketing team working on a new product launch.

With Content Hub, they can start by writing a comprehensive blog post.

From there, they can easily transform the blog into a series of social media posts, an email newsletter, and even a script for a promotional video.

This seamless content remixing not only maximizes the reach of their content but also ensures a consistent message across all channels.

Additionally, think about a small business that relies on a lean marketing team.

They can utilize the Custom AI Blog Post Generator to save time and boost productivity.

By generating fresh ideas, detailed outlines, relevant images, and optimized keywords, the AI tool allows the team to focus on creating high-quality content that engages their audience rather than spending countless hours on brainstorming and research.


Content marketing is no longer just about blogging to generate leads

It’s now about delivering the content your customers want, in the ways they want to consume it—across the entire customer journey.

Whether it's through a well-crafted email campaign, an engaging video, or a compelling podcast, Content Hub ensures you can meet your audience wherever they are.

Consider a scenario where your company is expanding into international markets.

With AI Translations, you can quickly and reliably translate your webpages and blogs into multiple languages.

This capability allows you to connect with a global audience without the need for extensive translation resources, ensuring your content is accessible and relevant to users around the world.

For example, a global e-commerce business can easily translate their product descriptions and blog posts, making their content available to customers in various regions, enhancing user experience and driving sales.

The Brand Voice feature is another powerful tool that ensures consistency across all your content.

It automatically adapts your brand’s unique style and tone to all content types, maintaining a consistent and professional presence.

This is particularly beneficial for companies with multiple content creators, ensuring that every piece of content aligns with the brand's identity, whether it’s a casual social media post or a formal blog article.

For example, a large corporation with a diverse marketing team can maintain a cohesive brand voice across different departments and geographies.

The ability to create high-quality podcast episodes with AI-generated audio from text or by uploading your audio files opens up new avenues for engaging with your audience.

Podcasts are a fantastic way to share industry insights, interview thought leaders, and provide in-depth discussions on topics relevant to your audience.

By incorporating podcasts into your content strategy, you can reach listeners who prefer audio content, further expanding your reach.

For instance, a B2B company can create a podcast series featuring expert interviews, offering valuable insights to their audience and establishing the company as a thought leader in their industry.


Exclusive Features of Content Hub

Content Remix: Make your content work harder by generating multiple content formats from a single starting point. For example, a single whitepaper can be turned into a series of blog posts, infographics, and even a webinar, ensuring that the content reaches different audience segments in their preferred format.

Podcasts: Create high-quality podcast episodes with AI-generated audio from text or upload your own audio files. This feature is perfect for businesses looking to diversify their content and engage audiences who prefer listening over reading. For example, a fitness brand can create podcasts featuring workout tips, interviews with experts, and motivational stories, providing valuable content to their audience on-the-go.

AI Translations: Translate your pages and blogs into multiple languages with just a few clicks. This feature is particularly beneficial for companies looking to expand their market reach without the high cost and time investment typically associated with translation services. For instance, a software company launching a new product can quickly translate their promotional content and user guides into several languages, ensuring that customers around the world can understand and benefit from their offerings.

Brand Voice: Automatically adapt and apply your brand’s unique style and tone to all content types. This ensures a consistent and professional presence across all your marketing channels. For example, a lifestyle brand known for its playful and approachable tone can ensure that every piece of content, from social media posts to email newsletters, maintains that same engaging and friendly style.

Custom AI Blog Post Generator: Save time using AI to generate ideas, outlines, images, and keywords directly within the Pro+ version of the blog generator. This allows you to focus on refining your message and creating high-quality content while the AI handles the groundwork. For example, a tech startup can use this tool to quickly generate content ideas and outlines for their blog, allowing their team to produce informative and engaging posts that resonate with their audience.


Investment to Upgrade

Upgrading to Content Hub is an investment in more efficient and effective content creation. Here's a quick comparison of costs:

Invest to upgrade CMS chart

With these AI-powered tools, you can reduce the amount of time spent creating different content types, allowing you to focus your expertise where it's needed most.


Summing Up


Content Hub offers all the robust features of CMS Hub and then some.

Whether you're looking to streamline your content creation, reach a global audience, or maintain a consistent brand voice, Content Hub has the tools you need to succeed.

It’s the all-in-one, AI-powered content marketing solution that fuels not just your website but the entire customer journey.

So why not take your content marketing to the next level with Content Hub?

If you'd like help implementing any of this to help you generate red-hot inbound leads, then chat to our team of experts today.